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Apple Class - Foundation Stage 2


Welcome to Apple Class. Our teacher is Mrs Blacknall and we have different TAs throughout the week - Mrs Frost, Mrs Cordon, Mrs Smith and Mrs Flatt. Together with Year 1 Year 2 we make up Orchard. We have such fun every day, learning in our classroom and outdoor area. Here you can find out about our class routines, including our topics.


Weekly Timetable

Our P.E is every Tuesday afternoon. We come to school wearing our P.E kits.

Every Wednesday we have Wild Wednesday. Please send in waterproof coat and trousers, together with wellies which will stay in school.



PE Days

Our P.E Is every Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Blacknall. Please come to school wearing your P.E kit every Tuesday.

Our Learning for the Term

Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.








As a parent or carer of a child in Apple Class, we really welcome your support. This can take many forms, from helping with reading, baking, or craft to talking to us about your job or helping us on a trip. If you feel you could offer any help please speak to Mrs Blacknall.

Monkey Books

Each child in Orchard has a Monkey Book which acts as a reading diary as well as a form of communication between families and school. Each Friday a weekly overview will be stuck into the Monkey Book with an outline of the following week's learning, including P.E days and any other special dates. Every time an adult reads the phonics book with a child at school it is recorded in the Monkey Book. We ask that parents also record all reading at home too.

Wow Stars

Wow stars are to record special achievements made by the children outside of school. They are designed to have a non-academic focus. If your child has been kind to their sibling, tidied their bedroom, learnt to a ride a bike, achieved a swimming badge etc. then please complete a star and send it into school for us to celebrate their achievements. If you require any further stars please let Mrs Blacknall know.

Rainbow Assembly

Each Friday there is a Rainbow Assembly at 2.55pm held in the school hall. Each teacher in school will usually select 2 children in their class who have shown commitment to our Bleasby ABC. Their parent/carer will be notified by text on the Wednesday and invited to join us for Rainbow Assembly to help celebrate their child's achievement.

News Book

After October half term each child will receive a News Book. This is like a diary for the children to write in and draw a picture. Please encourage your child to form their letters correctly and to sound out each word carefully. Please also encourage your child to do as much of their writing themselves as possible. Once your child has written in their diary, please send it in to school and we will share it together in class. Children will collect stars around their photograph on our 'writing wall'.

Useful Information


You can view your child's learning journey through Tapestry which is an online journal. Photographs and statements are added regularly. Please do add comments to the posts.

Any questions regarding Tapestry please ask Mrs Blacknall.




Phonics is assessed each half term using the Rocket Phonics assessments to ensure each child is keeping up to pace with our learning. If a child is unsure of certain sounds then we can target these sounds specifically to give every child the opportunity to have a secure level of learning.  


Phonics is at the heart of our learning in Apple Class. In Orchard we all follow a Systematic Synthetics Phonics Programme called Rocket Phonics. To find out more please click on the hyperlink above. We learn phonics daily to help us to read and write. We follow a structured approach, learning 2 new sounds each week. Our daily lesson includes a revisit of learnt sounds, learning a new sound, practising to read and write words with our new sound and applying our learning by reading and writing sentences. Our lessons are fun and very interactive, often singing songs and playing games. We always start our phonics with a song, either a phonics alphabet song or a tricky word song. Please use the links below to practice with your child.

All our reading books are matched to our Rocket Phonics scheme. We have a reading book which includes the sounds we have learnt. The whole class will move through the reading scheme together, changing levels as we learn new sounds and tricky words. Our reading books are changed every Friday. We also choose a Reading For Pleasure book to be shared with our family at home. Parents should record every time they read with their child in the Monkey Book. The more practice with reading you can do at home, the better.

Below you will find a phoneme mat which shows the sounds in the order we learn them and the corresponding picture mnemonic which is used in class and on our all displays.

Please see the PowerPoint presentation for Orchard Phonics where you will find the Parents Information. This session is held in the Autumn Term.


Each half term Mrs Blacknall will make an assessment of the children's learning through the use of observations and written work. The school uses a system known as ScholarPack to record their data. The children are not aware of being assessed, it is completed on an informal basis during the child's everyday learning and play.

Class Letters & Additional Information