Useful Information
School Bus Pass
Please click on the link to find out more about the Bleasby School bus service and how to apply for a pass for your child.
School Money
School Dinners
Below are the menus for each week containing a main meal, vegetarian main meal and jacket potato option.
All meals must be pre-ordered online and in advance by midnight of the preceding Saturday. This applies to every child whether their meals are paid for in KS2, are in Foundation/KS1 and therefore receive universal free meals or are entitled to Free School Meals. The attached guidance explains how to pre-order meals, and you can do this weekly or termly.
Every child registered (whether they have an allergy or not) must have an allergen questionnaire completed before meals can be ordered.
Those who pay, that is for children in KS2 not entitled to Free School Meals, will need to enter credit card or debit card details. The system offers an auto top-up facility which will allow your card to be billed each Saturday for the following week’s meals, and we strongly recommend you use this facility, as should you have insufficient credit in your account on Saturday for the week to follow, any booked meals will be cancelled, and you will have to send a packed lunch in for your child. You will not be able to order meals after the Saturday deadline or from the school office in any capacity.
Questions should be directed to or 0204 542 7211.
School Uniform
Guidance on Infection Control in Schools
Internet Safety
Online Safety Presentation
Please find below a presentation from our most recent Online Safety Meeting. Should you have any questions or queries regarding any information contained in this document, or any queries surrounding internet safety in general, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01636 830203 or via