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Garden & Grow Club Updates

See what we get up to in Garden & Grow Club!

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  • Bug Hotel Observation

    Published 10/06/24, by Angela Dunning

    The children looked for different types of minibeast and insects. They checked the different sections were creating a safe place to shelter, lay eggs, raise young and seek refuge from predators.

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  • Kitchen Garden is underway!

    Published 07/06/24, by Angela Dunning

    Thank you to B&Q for the zillion leeks - we've planted 100 (plus some to leave to flower). The school kitchen are well up for using them in September when they're harvested. Year 5 and 6 were able to talk to us about healthy eating whilst planting 👍

    Thank you Laura and little helpers too for explaining how to plant leeks (trimming the roots, spacing and puddling in)

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  • Community Magic !

    Published 07/06/24, by Angela Dunning

    Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came the other weekend to help paint sheds, weed, clear nettles and much more! And thank you to the chair of the parish council for making us some utterly wonderful benches and bee houses 🐝 

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  • Grateful for some rain for all our veg and to refill our water butts!

    Published 14/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Year 6 have been busy - no dig, compost, companion planting, identification, organisation and the great leek giveaway!

    Published 14/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    Broccoli and Marigolds...

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  • Year 5 successfully propagate mint...

    Published 14/05/24, by Angela Dunning
    Plant propagation is simply the process of creating new plants. Many plants can reproduce on their own by dropping seeds or through suckering, for example. You can also propagate plants in an easy way by taking stem cuttings.  Trim off a healthy
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  • Maths and garden design!

    Published 14/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    The children learned about different flowers in the colours they'd chosen for the Belonging and Caring Garden. Then they voted and showed the results in a chart 👍

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  • The new wildlife area and pond is taking shape...

    Published 11/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    Year 6 and Year 2 have had discussions about the development of the area and how we can make school a better place for wildlife 👍

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  • Year 5 select own seeds to plant and the 'Sweetpea Teepee' gets underway!

    Published 10/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    Year 5 check the progress of their potatoes and develop skills and knowledge about different kinds of plants (veg and flower)

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  • Has Andy Goldsworthy been at school?

    Published 10/05/24, by Angela Dunning

    We were thrilled to see Year 5's artwork in their natural environment!

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  • Year 6 - Living Things and their Habitats

    Published 15/04/24, by Angela Dunning

    Our work with year 6 includes field studies of plants growing in school; identifying them and discussing how we might classify them.

    Year 6 will also be working with us to develop the new wildlife area and pond; researching and sourcing native aquatic plants locally for us.  We will also plant and study tubers, strawberries and potatoes.

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  • Tree planting with Pear Class

    Published 15/04/24, by Angela Dunning

    Fruit Trees and Hedgrow planting 

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