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Silver Birch Class - Year 2 & Year 3


Our Summer Term Enquiry... What Makes Farming So Important? What a difference a term makes. Fabulous farming-related learning!

Our roving reporter 'Lamb Chop' is keen to get out and about with you to find the range of FABULOUS food that farmers produce in our locality!


Look at our AMAZING Spring Term Enquiry Board!

A very busy Autumn Term Enquiry...


Welcome to Silver Birch Class 2023-2024

We are a happy and busy class of 22 wonderful children, taught by Mrs Smith on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Mrs Cast on Thursdays. We also have Mr Roome for PE and Mrs Frost for French every Tuesday afternoon.

In Silver Birch we really enjoy our learning...especially enquiry! Find out about class routines, what we have planned and all about our learning below.

We are currently reading and studying…


Our class story time book is…


PE Days are every Tuesday and wednesday. Please come to school in your PE Kit.

Please click on the link below to view our PE timetable.

Our Learning for the Term

Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.



Y3 and Y2 Spelling and Reading. Y2 may have Maths work from Mrs Clark / Mr Hudson-Jones. Y3 need to learn their Times Tables using TT Rockstars or any other method e.g. Times Tables Games for 7 to 11 year olds ( Please also use the links below to practise the maths we are doing at the moment: Y2 Fractions, Times, Statistics and Position and Direction Free Maths Games about Measuring Weights, Length and Telling the Time ( data handling games for children ( Maths Games about Shapes, Symmetry and Co-ordinates for Kids ( Y3 Fractions, Money, Time, Shape and Statistics Fractions and Decimals Maths Games ( games for kids ( Games ( Games ( Handling Games for Key Stage 2 Children (

In addition, in the Woodland Team we will set Enquiry-based tasks every half-term. 


We have an optional homework activity in a book called 'Books We Love'. Your child may choose to bring this home to create a page to tell the class all about a favourite book. There is information and examples that show your child how to do this when it is their turn.


Another optional but fun homework activity is to host Tusks, our class Woolly Mammoth and write in his journal. He is an extremely popular addition to our class! He has already met Mrs Smith's cats, been to the barbers, travelled to Creswell Crags and met Mrs Cast eating cake in a cafe in the Peak District!

ENQUIRY HOMEWORK 1: Due Wednesday 27.09.23

Find out 5 or more facts about prehistoric times. Create a poster, factsheet or PowerPoint to share your knowledge with others.

ENQUIRY HOMEWORK 2: Due Friday 17th November 2023. Research online or in books and build a model Stonehenge or 'Biscuit-Henge' or create a model of a Bronze or Iron Age dwelling (home). Please photograph biscuit-henges, rather than bringing into school. Other models can be brought in anytime that week. Any materials (including Lego) can be used.


ENQUIRY HOMEWORK 3: Due Monday 8th January 2024. 


Our Enquiry for the first half of the Spring Term is all about the Ancient Egyptians. We would very much like to get started with this topic on the first day back as it is such a short half term. Our Hook Day will hopefully inspire the learning we will be undertaking.

Please could we ask that your child comes to school on Monday 8th January 2024 having prepared something for the day? We don’t want this to be onerous for you, but we were thinking that they could do at least one of the following:

  • dress up or bring in a headdress
  • make a piece of art or model related to Ancient Egypt
  • come armed with a book, poster or factsheet about The Ancient Egyptians.

Many thanks for supporting your child in this. We are looking forward to beginning our new topic with a bang!

ENQUIRY HOMEWORK 4: Due w.c. Monday 25th March 2024

Silver Birch and Maple Classes Ancient Romans Homework Choices. Please complete one of the following to a high standard.

ENQUIRY HOMEWORK 5: Due w.c. 20.05.24


As part of our work on farming, land-use and settlements, we would like you to research and present how land is used in your home village / town. You might include photographs, maps and written information.

With your parent or guardian, you might interview a farmer, beekeeper, café or shop owner, flood protection volunteer, or another person who works, volunteers or lives in our locality.

Your work might take the form of a PowerPoint, Poster, Leaflet or Booklet or you might devise another way of sharing your information.


Useful Links

Times Tables Rockstars






Reading for pleasure

Class Letters, Additional Information and our work