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Pear and Plum Year 1/2


Welcome to Pear (Y1) & Plum (Y2) Class where we like to be creative, learn lots of new exciting things and have fun together!

TEACHERS: In Pear & Plum Class, Mrs. Clark and Mr Hudson-Jones are our teachers. Miss Stuckey, Mrs. Smith Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Vickers teach groups and support us in our lessons too.

ENQUIRY: Our enquiry question for this term in our class is ‘Is Bleasby a Good Place for Wildlife to Live?’

READING: Please hear your child read regularly, 3-4 times a week if possible. When you hear your child read, please write the date, the book title and a short comment in their reading booklet. Please bring your reading booklet to school every day. We will change books in class if needed on Mondays and Thursdays.

SPELLINGS: Spellings linked to our phonics lessons in school are given out on Fridays and we have an informal written test the following Friday morning. Please set aside a little time to learn spellings and work on patterns every week. Please make sure that your red spelling book is in school on Fridays.


HOMEWORK: Short weekly homework tasks that link to our learning in school will be given via the weekly booklet note in your reading booklet on a Monday.

WATER: Please bring a named plastic drinking bottle every day.

SNACK: You can bring in healthy snacks like fruit for playtime if you’d like to. School fruit is also available each day.

P.E.: P.E. is on Monday and Friday this year. Please come to school in your P.E. kit on these days.

Please make sure all items of uniform and your P.E. kit has your name on the label.

Thank you,

Mrs. Clark and Mr. Hudson-Jones

Our Enquiry Question Last Term

Who would we give our Bleasby Values Awards to?

In our Spring Enquiry, Pear and Plum Class thought about the question ‘Who would we give our Bleasby Values Awards to?’ We learnt about a range of special people who have achieved amazing things in their lives including: Mae Jemison, Neil Armstrong, Tim Peake, Grace Darling and the RNLI. We had an exciting visit from a planetarium that filled our school hall and we found out more about the 1969 moon landing and space and stars. Geoff from the RNLI visited to tell us more about the life saving work of the RNLI and he told us about Grace Darling and her brave rescue of shipwrecked survivors in 1838. We thought carefully about our learning and which special people have shown achieving, belonging and caring.  As part of our enquiry sharing assembly in March, we awarded Neil Armstrong with our Bleasby Achieving Award because of his bravery and that he went somewhere no one had ever visited. We awarded Tim Peake with our Bleasby Belonging Award as he was part of the European Space Agency and he learnt to speak Russian so he could travel to the ISS in space for 6 months. We awarded Grace Darling with our Bleasby Caring Award as she was so brave and caring towards the nine shipwrecked survivors that she helped to rescue. Have a look below at our Bleasby Astronaut Trainees and our Enquiry themed printing work.


Please see below on 'Our Learning For The Term' for further information. 

PE Days

Please click on the link below to view our PE timetable.

Our Learning for the Term

Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.

Useful Links

Purple Mash

A digital vault of creative games and activities that we use in our computing lessons. Find your Purple Mash login stuck in your booklet.


Times Tables Rockstars

Times tables maths programme for Year 2 and beyond

Year 2s – Find your login for TTRS stuck in your booklet.



BBC Bitesize Karate Cats Maths KS1

Learn and practise KS1 Maths skills with fun games.



BBC Bitesize Karate Cats English KS1

Learn and practise KS1 English skills with different challenge levels.



Phonics Play Interactive Words Reading Games

Practise phonic recognition, blending and word sorting.



Oxford Owl eBook Library and Resources

Educational activities and games. Free eBook library for 3-11 year olds.



ICT games

Interactive Maths and English games for primary aged children.



Topmarks games

Interactive Maths and English games, as well as other subject areas.



Reading for pleasure

Class Letters & Additional Information