Maple Class - Year 2 & Year 3
Welcome to the new Maple Class page. We are a mixed year 2 and 3 class with 26 friendly faces. We are taught by Mr. Ryan during the week and by Mr Ennals for P.E on Wednesdays.
In Maple, we really enjoy our learning...especially enquiry! Find out about class routines, what we have planned and all about our learning below.
We are currently reading and studying…
Our class storytime book is…
PE Days are every Tuesday and Thursday. Please come to school in your PE Kit. Forest School on Thursday this half term.
Please click on the link below to view our PE timetable.
Our Learning for the Term
Please click on the link below to view details about our learning for this term.
Y2 and Y3 Spelling and Reading. Y2 may have Maths work from Mrs Smith / Mrs Clark. Y3 need to learn their Times Tables using TT Rockstars or any other method e.g. Times Tables Games for 7 to 11 year olds (
Y3 children may be set homework throughout the year. Accounts will be provided alongside their Bleasby Booklets.
In addition, in the Woodland Team we will set enquiry-based tasks every half-term.
Useful Links
Times Tables Rockstars
Reading for pleasure