Oak Class - Year 5 & 6
Welcome to Oak Class
We are a class of 30, responsible, caring and fun young people. We love our learning, and are looking forward to the challenges of Year 5 and Year 6.
Our Year 6's are in their final year at Bleasby and are thrilled to be gaining the responsibilities of being prefects, sports leaders, worship leaders and eco leaders. They will be fantastic role models for the rest of the school, and will look out for the younger children - showing them the Bleasby way and demonstrating our ABC values.
Our Year 5's are now in Upper Key Stage 2 and are looking forward to the responsibility of door duty and becoming worship leaders. They will blend perfectly with the Year 6's and will learn a lot from them, as well as enjoying being with their Year 5 peers in Redwood Class.
Together we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead! #MightyOak
Mrs Spencer
PE Days
Week A– Wednesday afternoon (1 lesson) and Friday afternoon (1 lesson) wc. 6.1.25
Week B – Wednesday afternoon (all afternoon – 2 lessons) w.c 13.1.25
Please wear appropriate P.E. kit on P.E. days.
Our Learning for the Term
In Spring Term our enquiry question is: What do you think people need most to stay healthy and live a long life?
Spellings for Friday 7th February
Year 6
Word families
- commit
- committee
- transmit
- submit
- commitment
- emit
- permit
- intermittent
- omit
- unremitting
Year 5
- stationary
- stationery
- steal
- steel
- wary
- weary
- who’s
- whose
- fate
- fete
Homework set: 31.1.25
Year 6
Year 6 Maths homework
Mrs Price and Mrs Nawaz have set maths homework in the CGP homework book.
Year 6 English homework
CGP 10 minute homework books:
-SPAG book Set A: Test 3
-Reading comprehension book Set A: Test 3
Please bring English CGP books into school by Friday 7th February so we can mark them together.
Year 5
Year 5 Maths homework
This week’s homework is a Maths homework which has been set on maths.co.uk.
Please complete it by Friday 7th February.
Useful Links
Maths For Everyone
Grammar Glossary
BBC Bitesize
Reading for pleasure